Veggie Mate

$14.95 - $54.95
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Harness the Power of Nature with Veggie Mate – A 100% Natural Plant Food!

Veggie Mate is a plant food enriched with 60 mineral elements, including plant-available silica, natural rock phosphate, organic material, and over 30 beneficial soil micro-flora species. Free from animal waste, it promotes healthier vegetables and herbs that can withstand adverse conditions, resist pests and diseases, and improve post-harvest shelf life. Additionally, it encourages earthworm activity and discourages nematodes.

Where and when to use it:

  • In the preparation of all new and existing vegetable gardens, especially in the vegetable bed and planting hole.

How often to use it:

  • Leaf Vegetables: Every 6-8 weeks.
  • Fruiting Vegetables: Every 3-4 weeks. Also use Fruit Blend @ 100-200gm/m² (1-2 handfuls) every 3-4 weeks. More often if necessary.

Application rate:

  • General Fertilizing: 600gm/m² (6 handfuls)
  • Most Planting Situations: 600gm/m² (6 handfuls)
  • Transplanting Situations: Add a teaspoon to each planting hole
  • Problem Soil or Areas: 800gm/m² minimum (8 handfuls)
  • Pots: 1-2 handfuls per 300mm pot diameter

Other Important Information:

  • Allowable input for organic growers.
  • Safe for use on all types of vegetables and herbs.
  • Vegan-friendly.
  • Yields quicker results when worked into the soil.
  • Can be spread over existing vegetables and watered in.
  • Will not burn plant foliage or roots.
  • For best results, use in conjunction with other Earthlife garden products.
  • Contains all-natural ingredients, including plant-available silica and natural rock phosphate.

Typical Analysis of Veggie Mate:

  • Nitrogen: 0.9%
  • Phosphate: 1.1%
  • Potassium: 1.2%
  • Calcium: 8.5%
  • Magnesium: 2.9%
  • Silica: 31%
  • Sulphate: 0.7%
  • Iron: 2.5%
  • Organic Matter: 30.0%
  • Plus 60 other micro-nutrients

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