Trifend Concentrate

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Triple action formula for systemic control of pests, blackspot, rust, mites & fungus.
- Insecticide: Kills aphids, thrips, whitefly, budworm and earworm caterpillars.
- Fungicide: Systemic control of blackspot, rust and powdery mildew.
- Miticide: Controls two-spotted mite.

Trifend is a triple action spray for use on ornamentals and roses in the garden. This product is great for use on flowering plants, ornamental gardens, indoor and outdoor pot plants.
Trifend works in 3 ways; it provides systemic control of fungal diseases for more effective, long term control, kills insects by contact and stomach action and controls two spotted mite.


- Systemic control of fungal diseases; black spot, powdery mildew & rust.
- Broad range of target insects - aphids, thrips, whitefly, budworm and earworm caterpillars
- Controls two-spotted mite.
- Controls insects via contact and stomach action.
- In a convenient 200ml & 500ml bottle of concentrate.
- Fast and effective insect, disease and mite control.

Active Constituent:

9.6g/Lt Tau-Fluvalinate, 4.4g/Lt Mycobutanil

Available in:

200ml, 500ml