Strike Back for Orchids Liquid Concentrate is an organic based chemically boosted fertiliser ideal for all potted flowering and fruiting plants …not just orchids!
It is an organic based, chemically boosted fertiliser specifically developed to enhance the growth and flower development of orchids. The liquid solution also makes it perfect for use with orchids not grown in pots, such as Epiphytic orchids.
Neutrog commenced development of the Strike Back for Orchids pelletised product in early 2006, establishing trials with various commercial orchid growers and via the members of a number of orchid clubs throughout Australia. Success in these trials has resulted in Strike Back for Orchids being recommended and endorsed by the Cymbidium Orchid Clubs of SA, NSW, WA and Victoria.
Strike Back for Orchids Liquid has an NPK ratio of 8:2:10 and has added magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum to the existing range of nutrients provided by its organic base – all of which are particularly necessary when growing orchids in an inert medium. Strike Back for Orchids is a complete fertiliser and no further nutrients are required.
- Liquid Form
Application Rates
Application Timing Whilst Strike Back for Orchids can be applied throughout the year, the lower nitrogen to potassium ratio has been specifically designed to enhance the flowering process and hence Strike Back for Orchids should be applied at least from February to October. Seamungus can be applied for the remainder of the time, November through to January.
Application Rates
Shake well before use. Dilute 40mL (1 capful) of Strike Back for Orchids in 6-8 litres of water. Apply once a week. Dilute at a weaker or stronger rate as required. Use diluted product within 1 week of dilution.
1 litre of concentrate makes 250 litres.
8:2:10 and has added magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum to the existing range of nutrients provided by its organic base