Multicrop Scat® Bird and Animal Repellent is an aid to training animals away from unwanted behaviour. It is a water soluble powder that, when applied, helps keep unwanted birds and animals away from the treated area. It acts via the moist tissues associated with taste, smell and eyes and can be used to selectively screen animals away from particular areas of the garden or yard. During periods of active plant growth, repeat applications may be necessary more frequently. It is not harmful to birds, animals or humans when used as directed.
It is effective against a wide range of animals including birds, dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, mice, etc. It can be applied to grass, garden beds including flowers, fruit and vegetables, concrete, payers, paths, drives, timber, plastic, bare soil, trees, rubbish bins, bricks, etc.
The whole area can be treated or barriers can be set up, preferably along the animal's line of approach, rather than across it. However, treat the maximum area possible as this provides better protection.
With resistant animals, stronger solutions can be applied initially and treatments may need to be done more frequently. Well established animal behaviour and habits can take some time to be broken and, over time, may require periodic treatment to reinforce the correct conduct.
- Repels common birds from fruit trees and other areas.
- Repels a wide range of other animals including cats, dogs, ducks, rabbits, possums and rats.
- Repels due to a taste and smell that birds and animals find offensive.
Active Constituent:
999.9 g/kg Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate.
Available in:
400g, 2Ltr, 750ml RTU