Freehand Preemergant Herbicide 1kg
FreeHand herbicide introduces a new active ingredient for use in landscape ornamentals - dimethenamid-P - combined with pendimethalin. This unique combination makes FreeHand herbicide the perfect tool for pre emergent weed control of annual grasses, susceptible sedge species and many small-seeded broadleaf weeds. FreeHand herbicide:
- Combines two active ingredients for a broader range of control.
- Delivers excellent residual control in container medium, stopping weeds as they germinate.
- Offers a wide range of plant species tolerance and use sites.
- Safe for use on Buffalo, Zoysia , Couch, Kikuyu, Carpet Grass and certain ornamental species - Follow label for directions.
- 1kg will treat up to 100m2
- Effective against all major annual weeds in turf during summer & winter
- Season-long control of annual weeds (up to 12 weeks control)
- Reduce future weed set and germination plus reduce the reliance on costly selective post-emergent herbicides
- Minimise nutrient and sunlight competition from annual grasses
- suitable for all public areas and is a low odour formulation
- Economical solution for your main annual weed problems such as Wintergrass, Summer Grass, Crab Grass & Crowsfoot. Not effective to control Bindii
Used to Control
Grasses, Broadleaf and Sedge Species Controlled by FreeHand 1.75G Herbicide FreeHand 1.75G herbicide effectively controls:
American burnweed*, Annual bluegrass, Annual kyllinga spp.*, Barnyardgrass, Crabgrass spp., Digitaria sanguinalis (summer grass), Digitaria ciliaris (crab grass), Dogfennel*, Doveweed, Eclipta, Foxtail, Goosegrass, Henbit, Italian ryegrass, Lambsquarters spp., Liverwort*, Mayweed chamomile, Nightshade spp., Panicum spp., Pearlwort*, Pepperweed*, Phyllanthus*, Poa annua (winter grass), Purslane, Rice flatsedge, Shepherdspurse, Smartweed spp., Spurge spp., Willowherb spp., Woodsorrel (Oxalis spp.), Yellow nutsedge
Weeds listed above can be controlled when FreeHand 1.75G herbicide is applied at rate ranges of 100-200 lbs as listed on the product label. Higher rates will control a greater number of species and provide longer residual per application.
Active ingredient:
Available in:
- PDE:
- 80040