Brunnings Weed Kill Organic Fa 1ltr RTU
Everyday Mix Premium: 2 For $30.00
Ideal for spot control of broadleaf weeds. Not safe for Buffalo Lawns, should only be used as a spot spray on this grass type.
- Selectively kills broadleaf weeds in an easy to use trigger pack.
- Controls most broadleaf weeds including clover, dandelion, dock thistles, capeweed, bindii and lambs tongue.
- Absorbs via the leaves and kills weeds over a period of 3-4 weeks.
- For best results apply when weeds are actively growing.
Active constituent:
1.5 g/L MCPA
0.3 g/L Dicamba
both present as Dimethylamine Salt
Available in:
1Ltr Ready to Use