An extra broad coverage weedkiller in buffalo grass used for the control of bindii, clover, oxalis and other weeds in buffalo (except STvarieties), couch and Qld blue couch domestic lawns.
Absorbed via the leaves and kills weeds over a period of 3 to 4 weeks.
Controls various weed including bindii, cape-weed, catsear, clover (not Tas.), creeping buttercup, cudweed, dandelion, fleabane, jo-jo (onehunga), oxalis, plantains, thistles.
- 2 litre hose-on bottle treats 100 square metres.
- Suitable for bent, buffalo (except ST varieties), couch and Qld blue couch, fescue, kikuyu, paspalum and rye lawns
- Excellent value for money.
Active constituent:
6.7g/L Bromoxynil present as the octanoate ester
6.7g/L MCPA present as the 2-ethylhexyl ester
Available in:
2Ltr Hose-on
- PDE:
- 20452